Wednesday, December 21, 2011



Alright so here's part 2 of the "Let's judge and make fun of everyone in the party," party... I have to say, I was feeling quite a bit lazier when I put this set together; YOUR CHARACTERS DID NOT MAKE IT EASIER! So in this installment, I take a look at all the "squishy" characters; our bard, wizard, and rogue.

NOTE: Tales of party exploits viewed in this mirror may be a bit more hyperbolic than they actually were. It's a blog, I'm not going for a Pulitzer.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ALL THE IMAGE MACROS: A summary of our DND Party Pt. 1


Alright, so I already talked a very small bit about what this campaign was like, so I wanted to give a brief overview of the party. And, you know, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? So that means if I use pictures I don't have to write much. THIS PLAN IS FOOLPROOF!!!

NOTE: following descriptions of characters, are just like, my opinion man, and not based off of your "facts" and shit. I'm a free thinker.

Thoughts on DM'ing: Or a Lesson in Applied Cuil Theory


So, as I'm sure many of you have heard, this past semester was my first experience as a DM. It was, weird. Dark. Kafka-esque. The past year of pissing in the eye of god (aka other DM's whose campaigns I had been a part of ruined) have caught up with me. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

On my disappointment: Songs of the Year

So, as many of you may have realized over the years, I'm a bit of a hipster. I feed myself little lies everyday that I'm not actually that much of a douchebag annoying in my pretentiousness, AND I TOTALLY BELIEVE THEM. As such, it should surprise no one that I read Pitchfork (daily). However, if I were a REAL hipster I would never actually read Pitchfork, unless of course it was ironically done of course. But maybe the best way to read it "ironically" is to…  OW, MY BRAIN.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

After a long absence; BEHOLD MY GLORIOUS RETURN!

So, some of you might have noticed I haven't posted on here in god knows how long several months. In fact, I had actually forgot about this whole thing, as I have a tendency to do. GAMEPLAN: I'm going to try and start writing stuff more regularly, cause... Well... Ok, I don't have a good reason, but I'm bored.

Friday, July 29, 2011

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Sadness

Yeah, things are DEFINITELY going to work out

So, as of late I have been hounded harassed gently encouraged to write some more posts as a sort of insurance to keep the rest of my far more diligent blogger friends accountable to the seething masses. This fundamentally goes against my perspective on writing, which is to say I’m far too lazy to right on a regular basis I only write when I feel particularly inspired. Well, fuck that; peer pressure is hard. So instead of writing something insightful, or clever, or filled to overflowing with Whedon-esque witticisms, I’m going to talk about why I am in love with miserably depressing media.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why I like: Paranoia Agent

Paranoia Agent (PA) was one of the first series I ever watched, back in its original run in the US in the mid-2000s. At the time, I was absolutely blown away. It really hit on every point that makes a series memorable to me: a deep, psychological plot, stunning visuals, and a great protagonist. Needless to say, that was in 2004, when my viewing palate was mostly honed on Full Metal Alchemist and Inuyasha. Recently, I went back and re-watched the whole series, and my perception of the series changed dramatically. It’s not groundbreaking: the dialogue is often stilted, the plot is overly trope-laden, and the production quality, especially when factoring in the English dub, is downright cringe-worthy at times. I realized it was pretty much the anime equivalent of Crash (2004), seemingly deep and brilliant at first glance, but incapable of standing up under any critical scrutiny. Despite all of these failings, I realized I still absolutely love this series.